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  • Writer's pictureDevon Paige Garrison

FREE Social Media Calendar Template to Improve Your Feed

Creating a Social Media Calendar is essential in establishing a productive workflow that optimizes your digital presence. Your audience will more likely retain loyalty when they can expect consistency from your feed on a daily basis.

How often should you post? Well, that depends on which social media platforms your brand is using. Check out this guide on How Often to Post on Social Media to create a baseline for your company.

Posting consistently is a lot easier when you have a structure to use. If you’re a newer brand without the budget of using auto-scheduling tools like SocialPilot or Hootsuite, having something as simple as this Social Media Calendar Template will ensure your team stays on track.

The template I provided features a look at what’s to be posted during a specific week, on which platforms, the copy’s title or caption, a link to the imagery being used, and a time slot at which the content will be posted.

Using free resources like Google Sheets for your team will allow multiple members to edit, add, and approve what’s being posted on your company’s profiles. If you’re a team of one or you have a designated social media manager, download to your desktop by going to File, click Download, and then click Microsoft Excel.

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