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Media Services

Competitor Analysis

Knowing what your competitors are up to is essential in ensuring your company becomes #1. This analysis covers local competitors and assesses their social media presence across multiple platforms as well as their website, Google search results and their content.


Analytics Assessment

Posting five times per week at 6:00 p.m. may work for some but not others. Understanding when your posts succeed the most and when they don’t will only make your social media presence stronger and increase conversion. An analytics review will allow insight into how to continue forward with using social media to your advantage.


Campaign Strategy

Maybe you’re a small business competing in a market full of competitors. A campaign strategy helps keep you on track with the steps your company needs to take in order to rise to the top. Think of this like a checklist and marking the boxes as you go. At the end of a campaign, an evaluation of its success guides you to what the next steps are.


Photography, videography, editing and graphic design

Posting low-quality content is detrimental to brands and is worse than posting no content. I will help you take photos whether you’re showcasing a product, needing a storefront image to place on your website, or want stock images to use repeatedly.  I can also create graphics for events, posts, and logos.

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